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Baltur Pre Sales: the value of customisation and relationships

Baltur Pre Sales: the value of customisation and relationships 1

Interview with Alberto Alberghini, Baltur Pre Sales Engineer for the Italian market

“Let me introduce myself, I'm a 27-year-old young engineer, I live in Cento and I graduated from the University of Ferrara.
I started working for Baltur SpA about a year and a half ago, in the Italian pre-sales department, where I mainly provide technical and commercial support to all our partners in the national sales network.
One of the main strengths of the organisation where I work is that we always accompany responses with specific advice. Specifically, we clarify any doubts about current regulations, we share updates and information with all the necessary documentation relating to tax incentive scenarios, and we propose the best product and configuration according to the type of request made.
The preparation and speed with which we respond are key attributes that set us apart; the feedback we get is generally something like this: ‘you always reply, you are fast and provide real assistance’.
This is what I do here every day.
We mainly work with Sales Agencies, who are our commercial points of reference in the region, but also with Designers and Installers when it comes to more technical matters”.

“In the Pre Sales office, together with myself and Michael Bonsi, Sales Engineer, the department has recently incorporated Mr. Ares Merlanti, who was first responsible for burner assembly, and then After Sales, and brings important technical expertise to the team.
We are now in a transitional phase that will see me increasingly involved in the Residential Comfort product division, such as hybrid systems, solar, heat pumps, while Ares will mainly deal with burners, while maintaining interchangeable roles”.

“The things I appreciate most at Baltur are definitely the working environment and the human relationship with people. I am in contact with young people and the people “hierarchically above me” are always very helpful.
What I can say today is that the organisation between the various departments/roles is well defined and this allows you to get a sense of the importance of your work, making you a unique reference point and, at the same time, part of a team. Here at Baltur I feel valued”.

Customised and non-standardised solutions

“When requests come in that are out of the ordinary, the answer is always Yes!
We have an efficient R&D technical department where we really deliver on almost anything that is requested of us.
From a residential point of view, we often have to readjust projects and solutions to our products, or someone asks for special, ‘ad hoc’ systems. On the other hand, as far as burners are concerned, we often work on non-standard orders, and in this regard we are currently considered a leading company. Our Research and Development Laboratory is proof of this. All the customers and guests we invite to our premises are pleasantly surprised. They breathe in the true DNA of the company and all that is behind our work”.

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